Literature & Poetry
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Tasting Difference: Food, Race, and Cultural Encounters in Early Modern Literature
The Audacious Raconteur: Sovereignty and Storytelling in Colonial India
Women and Contemporary World Literature: Power, Fragmentation, and Metaphor
Un-Disciplining Literature: Literature, Law, and Culture
Transoceanic Dialogues: Coolitude in Caribbean and Indian Ocean Literatures
Translation and the Accommodation of Diversity: Indian and non-Indian Perspectives
The Quest for Postcolonial Utopia: A Comparative Introduction to the Utopian Novel in the New English Literatures
The Prophetic Novel
The Mahabharata and the Yugas: India's Great Epic Poem and the Hindu System of World Ages (Asian Thought and Culture Series)
The Literary Thing: History, Poetry and the Making of a Modern Cultural Sphere
The Culture Shocks of Rudyard Kipling (American University Studies Series)
Requiem for a Lightning Bolt
Recognition: The Poetics of Narrative: Interdisciplinary Studies on Anagnorisis
Re/Membering Place
R.K. Narayan: A Painter of Modern India
Outsiders and Insiders: Perspectives of Third World Culture in British and Post-Colonial Fiction (Studies of World Literature in English Series)
On the Outside Looking In(dian): Indian Women Writers at Home and Abroad
Narayan: A Study in Transcendence (Studies of World Literature in English Series)
Midnight’s Orphans: Anglo-Indians in Post/Colonial Literature
Locating Hybridity: Creole, Identities and Body Politics in the Novels of Ananda Devi
Literary Orientalism, Postcolonialism, and Universalism
Issues of Identity in Indian English Fiction: A Close Reading of Canonical Indian English Novels
Indian Writers: Transnationalisms and Diasporas
Indian Poetics (Kavya Śastra) and Narratology Towards the Appreciation of Biblical Narrative
India in Translation through Hindi Literature: A Plurality of Voices
Global Literary Journalism: Exploring the Journalistic Imagination
Global Literary Journalism: Exploring the Journalistic Imagination
Emerging South Asian Women Writers: Essays and Interviews
Defining the Indefinable: Delimiting Hindi
Cultural Contexts and Literary Forms: Essays on Genre
Colonial and Postcolonial Discourse in the Novels of Yom Sang-Sop, Chinua Achebe and Salman Rushdie
Clearing a Space: Reflections on India, Literature and Culture
Catching Butterflies: Bringing Magical Realism to Ground
Becoming Poets: The Asian English experience
Across Literary and Linguistic Diversities: Essays on Comparative Literature
A Mandala of Words: Cultural Realities in the Poems of Ashok Vajpeyi