The Literary Thing: History, Poetry and the Making of a Modern Cultural Sphere

Author: Rosinka Chaudhuri
ISBN: 9783034317603
Binding: Paperback
Year: 2014
Pages: 333
Size: 14 x 22 cm Weight: 508 grams Price: INR 810.00

The Literary Thing: History, Poetry and the Making of a Modern Cultural Sphere

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The Literary Thing: History, Poetry and the Making of a Modern Cultural Sphere
About the Book
The imponderable value of the literary to critical discourse is given pre-eminence in this study of cultural turning points in the history of Bengali literature, so that we might investigate the place of the aesthetic in the composition of a literary culture without denuding it of its significance and aura or, for that matter, its historicity. Mapping a fifty-year period that is fundamental to any understanding of nineteenth-century Bengal – 1831 to 1881 – this book focuses on literary debates generated around the works of Iswarchandra Gupta, Rangalal Bandyopadhyay, Madhusudan Datta, Hemchandra Bandyopadhyay, Nabinchandra Sen, and Rabindranath Tagore. It thereby investigates the place of the aesthetic, the political, and the collective in the making of a modern cultural sphere and the relevance and significance of the literary to our self-making as readers today.
Providing a new understanding of the interactive, living, and cataclysmic nature of events of the period which has been identified and then reviled as a period of renaissance or false renaissance, The Literary Thing reveals how this unique period holds the key to understanding the shape of the Indian modern.
About the Author
Rainer Jerosch

Rainer Jerosch, geboren 1936, bereiste Indien schon vor seinem Studium der Rechtswissenschaften und verbrachte später als Angehöriger des Bundesministeriums für wirtschaftliche Zusammenarbeit und Entwicklung jeweils vier Jahre an der Technischen Universität Madras und der Deutschen Botschaft New Delhi. Er ist Autor einer Anzahl von Aufsätzen zu Fragen der Entwicklungspolitik.
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