History, Culture & Politics
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Ancient India: Insights into Social & Economic Dynamics
Independent Kashmir: An Incomplete Aspiration
The Road to Empire: The Political Education of Khalsa Sikhs in the Late 1600s
The Breakup of India and Palestine: The Causes and Legacies of Partition
Everyday Islamic Law and the Making of Modern South Asia
Exile and the Nation: The Parsi Community of India & the Making of Modern Iran
The Audacious Raconteur: Sovereignty and Storytelling in Colonial India
Warriors after War: Indian and Pakistani Retired Military Leaders Reflect on Relations between the Two Countries, Past, Present and Future
US Hegemony Global Ambitions and Decline- Emergence of the Interregional Asian Triangle and the Relegation of the US as a Hegemonic Power. The Reorientation of Europe
Un-Disciplining Literature: Literature, Law, and Culture
Turning Wind into Power Effects of Stakeholder Networks on Renewable Energy Governance in India
The Socialist Opposition in Nehruvian India 1947–1964
The Rise of a Multipolar World: Papers presented at the Summer Course 1997 on International Security (Conflicts - Options - Strategies in a threatened World Series)
"The Ethos of Britain": Delderfieldʼs Swann Trilogy
Strategic Dynamics and Nuclear Weapons Proliferation in South Asia: A Historical Analysis
South Asian Technospaces - Hardcover
South Asian Technospaces
Rule-extension Strategies in Ancient India: Ritual, Exegetical and Linguistic Considerations on the "tantra"- and "prasaṅga"-Principles
Remembering Empire: Power, Memory, & Place in Postcolonial India
Pakistan and the New Nuclear Taboo: Regional Deterrence and the International Arms Control Regime
Outsiders and Insiders: Perspectives of Third World Culture in British and Post-Colonial Fiction (Studies of World Literature in English Series)
Meditation, Vol. I: History And Present Time
Locating Hybridity: Creole, Identities and Body Politics in the Novels of Ananda Devi
Literary Orientalism, Postcolonialism, and Universalism
Literarische Selbstverortung als historische Handlung: The Travels of Dean Mahomet, 1794
L’idee separatiste dans la presse anglo-musulmane du Bengale Le cas du Star of India, 1937-1947
Ireland: Looking East
Indian Agents: Rulers of the Reserves
India in the World since 1947: National and Transnational Perspectives
Images of India in British Fiction: Anglo-India vs. the Metropolis
Haram in the Harem: Domestic Narratives in India and Algeria
Globalisation and the Changing Face of Port Infrastructure: The Indian Perspective
Fictions of 1947: Representations of Indian Decolonization 1919-1962
Fictionalising Trauma: The Aesthetics of Marguerite Duras’s India Cycle
Federalism and Second Chambers: Regional Representation in Parliamentary Federations: the Australian Senate and German Bundesrat Compared
Education, Labour & Science: Perspectives for the 21st Century
Education and Training in a Globalized World Society: Conforming – Resistance – Ego-boosting
Earthquake Disaster Management: Focussing on the Earthquake of September 30, 1993 in Latur and Osmanabad Districts, Maharashtra, India and the Reconstruction and Rehabilitation Project at Gubal Village where Geodesic Domes were Constructed as Earthqu
Die Rani von Jhansi – Rebellin wider Willen: Biographie der legendären indischen Freiheitskämpferin von 1857/58
Determinants, Consequences and Perspectives of Land Reform Politics in Newly Industrializing Countries: A Comparison of the Indian and the South African Case
Decolonization and the Struggle for National Liberation in India (1909–1971): Historical, Political, Economic, Religious and Architectural Aspects
Contemporary Global Governance: Multipolarity vs New Discourses on Global Governance
Clearing a Space: Reflections on India, Literature and Culture
Clearing a Space: Reflections on India, Literature and Culture
Civilisation, Education and School in Ancient and Medieval India, 1500 B.C. - 1757 A.D.: Ancient India, 1500 B.C. - 1192 A.D., Vedic Schools and Buddhist Viharas and Medieval India, 1192 A.D. - 1757 A.D., Maktabs and Madrashas, Mosques and Khanqahs
Between Life and Death: Governing Populations in the Era of Human Rights
Asians ahead after the first round?: Indo-British Economic Relations from 1939 to 1950
An Environmental History of Postcolonial North India: The Himalayan Tarai in Uttar Pradesh and Uttaranchal
A Story of Ambivalent Modernization in Bangladesh and West Bengal: The Rise and Fall of Bengali Elitism in South Asia