"The Ethos of Britain": Delderfieldʼs Swann Trilogy

Author: Victor J. Lams
ISBN: 9781433118739
Binding: Hardcover
Year: 2012
Pages: 121
Size: 15 x 23 cm Weight: 305 grams Price: INR 1770.00

"The Ethos of Britain": Delderfieldʼs Swann Trilogy

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"The Ethos of Britain": Delderfieldʼs Swann Trilogy
About the Book
The novelist R. F. Delderfield’s trilogy of English life in the second half of the nineteenth century portrays the social history of Adam Swann and his family, energetic people of differing talents and tempers involved in a kaleidoscopic range of social engagements. Born into a military family but shaken by his army experience in India, Adam returns to civilian life in England and creates an innovative goods-hauling service across the country. Adam’s ten children are also innovators who provide the intellectual activity expressed by the phrase «The Ethos of Britain.» In the novels a whole country is energized by a handful of individuals who recognize and set out to solve a wide range of social problems – such as, teenage girls being abducted into continental brothels, miners killed or maimed by underground hazards, factory hands enduring long hours tending unsafe machinery, and elderly couples evicted from their homes, separated, and starved. As Adam’s observant wife Henrietta expresses it, wherever there’s a problem «youʼre sure to find a Swann or two.» The Swann trilogy dramatizes a half-century of British dominance in Europe prior to the First World War as represented by the members of a single English family.
About the Author
Victor J. Lams

Emeritus Professor of English at California State University Chico, Victor J. Lams has written two books on Richardsonʼs Clarissa, three on John Henry Newmanʼs religious rhetoric, and two studies of Robertson Daviesʼ novels, all published by Peter Lang. His most recent publication is R. F. Delderfieldʼs Novels as Cultural History: A Readerʼs Companion (Lang, 2012).
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