Civilisation, Education and School in Ancient and Medieval India, 1500 B.C. - 1757 A.D.: Ancient India, 1500 B.C. - 1192 A.D., Vedic Schools and Buddhist Viharas and Medieval India, 1192 A.D. - 1757 A.D., Maktabs and Madrashas, Mosques and Khanqahs
Suresh C. Ghosh
14 x 21 cm
365 grams
This book investigates how the Indian education system in the form of Vedic Schools and Buddhist Viharas has emerged out of the Hindu religious scriptures – Vedas, Brahmanas, Aranyakas and Upanishads as well as the Buddhist scriptures – Vinaya, Sutta and Abhidamma and how it changed in response to the changing conditions in the contemporary society and how it contributed to the development of a glorious civilisation that has now become the proud Indian heritage. In the second part it examines how the establishment of Muslim rule in India led to its transformation with Persian overtones through introduction of a new system of education consisting of Maktabs, Madrashas, Mosques and Khanqahs. Based on Hindu and Buddhist religious scriptures as well as on contemporary Persian sources as available in English translations, the book highlights education as the creator and transformer of the civilisation in Ancient and Medieval India.
Suresh C. Ghosh
Suresh C. Ghosh, born in 1937 in Chandernagar, was educated at the Calcutta Presidency College and the London School of Oriental and African Studies where he obtained his doctorate degree in history in 1966. Formerly associated with the University Grants Commission and the Rehabilitation Council of India as a member of various committees, Suresh C. Ghosh had travelled widely and increased his knowledge in education and history as Visiting Fellow at the universities and institutes of Edinburgh, London, Paris, Western Ontario and Toronto. Author of twelve research monographs and twelve papers mostly published abroad, he is a member of the Editorial Advisory Board of Paedagogica Historica, Belgium and was a Guest Professor for one year at the University of Jena, Germany. In India he holds the Chair of History of Education at Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi.