Determinants, Consequences and Perspectives of Land Reform Politics in Newly Industrializing Countries: A Comparison of the Indian and the South African Case

Author: David Betge
ISBN: 9783631730546
Binding: Hardcover
Year: 2017
Pages: 420
Size: 15 x 21 cm Weight: 635 grams Price: INR 2450.00

Determinants, Consequences and Perspectives of Land Reform Politics in Newly Industrializing Countries: A Comparison of the Indian and the South African Case

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Determinants, Consequences and Perspectives of Land Reform Politics in Newly Industrializing Countries: A Comparison of the Indian and the South African Case
About the Book
This comparative case study addresses central determinants of inequalities that persist in India and South Africa. The particular focus of the study is on programs aiming at the redistribution of land to the landless poor and these programs’ consequences. The central question is why extreme inequalities persist despite land redistribution programs that have been in place for decades and what role different actors and dominant ideas play in this. Beyond this empirical focus, the study transcends theoretical cleavages in the social sciences by following the basic ideas of Giddens’ Structurational Theory. An actor-centred approach is chosen as the primary tool for analysis. It is complemented with a structurational approach to discourse analysis for a detailed analysis of actors’ preferences.
About the Author
Rainer Jerosch

Rainer Jerosch, geboren 1936, bereiste Indien schon vor seinem Studium der Rechtswissenschaften und verbrachte später als Angehöriger des Bundesministeriums für wirtschaftliche Zusammenarbeit und Entwicklung jeweils vier Jahre an der Technischen Universität Madras und der Deutschen Botschaft New Delhi. Er ist Autor einer Anzahl von Aufsätzen zu Fragen der Entwicklungspolitik.
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