Kundalini: Divine Energy, Divine Life
Cyndi Dale
17 x 25 x 2 cm
613 grams
Kundalini is one of the most talked about but least understood forms of sacred energy. So what is it, really? Intuitive healer Cyndi Dale presents concise, yet comprehensive guidance to help readers truly understand kundalini energy and how it can be used to transform their lives. This illustrated book features the latest scientific research; mystical practices such as breathwork, tantra, and mantras; and illuminating first-hand accounts from Cyndi’s healing and teaching practice, all in an easy-to-follow format. Step-by-step exercises teach readers how to use this powerful energy to achieve vibrant health, have better and more meaningful relationships, and find their life’s authentic purpose.
Cyndi Dale
Cyndi Dale is internationally recognized as an authority on subtle energy anatomy. She is the author of several books on energy healing, including the original and revised New Chakra Healing (now called The Complete Book of Chakra Healing), which has been published in more than ten languages, and six other best-selling books on the topic, including Advanced Chakra Healing, Illuminating the Afterlife, and The Subtle Body. Through her company, Essential Energy, she provides intuitive assessments and life-issues healing for thousands of clients a year, seeking always to uplift and inspire others toward their true purposes and personalities. Her enthusiasm and care ignite all who attend her workshops, training sessions, and college classes, which are offered around the world.
Cyndi has studied cross-cultural healing and energy systems and has led instructional classes in many countries, including Peru, Costa Rica, Venezuela, Japan, Belize, Mexico, Morocco, Russia, and across Europe, as well as among the Lakota people and the Hawaiian kahunas. She currently lives in Minneapolis, Minnesota, with her two sons and (at last count) five pets.
More information about Cyndi’s classes and products is available at www.cyndidale.com.