Siamese Coins: From Funan to the Fifth Reign

Authors: Ronachai Krisadaolarn, Vasilijs Milhailovs
ISBN: 9789749863541
Binding: Hardcover
Year: 2012
Pages: 270
Weight: 1 kg 860 grams Price: INR 4180.00

Siamese Coins: From Funan to the Fifth Reign

Front Cover

Back Cover
Siamese Coins: From Funan to the Fifth Reign
About the Book
First ever book in English, on Siamese coins

Richly illustrated with over 1,000 coins, as well as Sukhothai inscriptions and previously unpublished material from the Royal Archive

Comes in a beautiful slipcase, with a specially minted limited edition coin on cover of book and a CD featuring additional images

This is the first ever book in English about Thai coins and ethnographic monies. It covers the time period from the earliest proto-state up to the introduction of the baht currency system.

It describes the development of Thai money through a continuous economicohistorical review with excerpts from a variety of sources, including the Sukhothai inscriptions, the Royal Chronicles of Ayutthaya, the records of individual Dutch, French and Portuguese travelers and unpublished documents from the Royal Archive. Also featured are over 1,000 specimens of the coins which have circulated in modern-day Thailand and its tributary states. Included are a selection of Thai documents from Rama IV's reign dealing with the emission of new currency, counterfeits and money reforms.
About the Authors
Regina Egetenmeyer

Regina Egetenmeyer is Professor for Lifelong Learning at the University of Mainz (Juniorprofessor). Her emphases of research are international and comparative adult educational research, informal learning in the workplace, and academic professionalisation in adult and lifelong learning.
Ekkehard Nuissl

Ekkehard Nuissl is Scientific Director of the German Institute for Adult Education – Leibniz Centre for Lifelong Learning (DIE) and University Professor for adult education at the University of Duisburg-Essen. His emphases of research are teaching and learning, international educational policy, evaluation research and institutional research.
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