Monarchy, Money and Medals: Coins, Banknotes and Medals from the Collection of Her Majesty The Queen
Jeremy Cheek
1 kg 144 grams
The Royal Collection is famous as one of the finest art collections in the world, but less well known are its coins, medals and banknotes, which include many extremely rare pieces. This book, published by Spink in association with Royal Collection Trust, describes and illustrates the most important items in the collection, giving their historical background, how they came to be in the collection, and their importance.
The development and dispersal of the early collections under the great royal collectors Henry Frederick, Prince of Wales, Charles I and George III are described. No monarch since then has been a devoted collector of coins or medals, but occasional important additions have been made to the Royal Collection, particularly by King George V and Queen Mary. Other major items have been received as gifts from visiting Heads of State; coin finds on Duchy of Lancaster land (e.g. the Cuerdale Hoard of 1840) have also contributed to the Collection, as well as items presented by the Royal Mint – a set of pattern coins of King Edward VIII, and gold coins for the coronation of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II not issued to the public.
Most of the items have never been exhibited before, and several are supported by descriptions and images of other relevant important objects from the Royal Collection.
Jeremy Cheek, Honorary Numismatic Consultant to Royal Collection Trust since 2008, presents the fascinating background to the objects featured in the book, with the wealth of illustrations included helping to shine a spotlight on this little known but highly important part of the Royal Collection.