Tsunami in Kerala, India: Long-Term Psychological Distress, Sense of Coherence, Social Support, and Coping in a Non-Industrialized Setting

Author: Sophia Von Lieres
ISBN: 9783631627129
Binding: Hardcover
Year: 2011
Pages: 218
Size: 15 x 21 cm Weight: 385 grams Price: INR 1360.00

Tsunami in Kerala, India: Long-Term Psychological Distress, Sense of Coherence, Social Support, and Coping in a Non-Industrialized Setting

Front Cover

Back Cover
Tsunami in Kerala, India: Long-Term Psychological Distress, Sense of Coherence, Social Support, and Coping in a Non-Industrialized Setting
About the Book
This study assesses the long-term psychological consequences after the 2004 Asian tsunami in Kerala, India. Participants are the inhabitants of Kerala’s coastal regions. The results indicated that the participants who were affected by the tsunami showed significantly greater psychological distress and symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) than a control group. In addition, it could be shown that protective factors, such as perceived social support, certain coping strategies, and a sense of coherence, could decrease the level of symptoms. Perceived social support, in particular, decreased symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder and a strong sense of coherence mitigated psychological distress. Avoidance coping was found to be more effective in decreasing levels of traumatic stress in this non-industrialized, collectivistic cultural setting.
About the Author
Phillipa Kafka

Phillipa Kafka, Professor Emerita and former Director of Women’s Studies at Kean University in Union, New Jersey, is the author of four books: The Great White Way: African American Women Writers and American Success Mythologies; (Un)Doing the Missionary Position: Gender Assymetry in Contemporary Asian American Women’s Writing; (Out)Classed Women: Contemporary Chicana Writers on Inequitable Gendered Power Relations; and «Saddling La Gringa»: Gatekeeping in Literature by Contemporary Latina Writers.
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