The Pancakramatippani of Munisribhadra: Introduction and Romanized Sanskrit Text (Schweizer Asiatische Studien / Etudes asiatique suisse)

Authors: Zhongxin Jiang, Toru Tomabechi
ISBN: 9783906756202
Binding: Paperback
Year: 1996
Pages: 190
Size: 15 x 23 cm Weight: 190 grams Price: INR 1460.00

The Pancakramatippani of Munisribhadra: Introduction and Romanized Sanskrit Text (Schweizer Asiatische Studien / Etudes asiatique suisse)

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The Pancakramatippani of Munisribhadra: Introduction and Romanized Sanskrit Text (Schweizer Asiatische Studien / Etudes asiatique suisse)
About the Book
This volume contains a diplomatic edition of a rare Sanskrit manuscript of Munisribhadra's commentary on the Pañcakrama. This manuscript, which was discovered in Tibet, is of a special importance for the study of Indian Tantric Buddhism, for, among the many commentaries on the Pañcakrama, Munisribhadra's Tippani is the only one conserved both in its Sanskrit original and in its Tibetan translation. In the Introductory Remarks, the editors of the volume discuss the textual transmission and the paleographical features of the manuscript. A detailed table of concordance between the Sanskrit manuscript and the Tibetan translation is also provided.
About the Authors
Zhongxin Jiang

Jiang is a member of the Institute of Asia-Pacific Studies of the Chinese Academy of Social Science in Beijing. His studies of Sanskrit were under the guidance of Prof. Ji Xianlin, and he has distinguished himself as a specialist in the Sanskrit manuscripts found in China. His published work includes an edition of the manuscript of the Saddharmapundarikasutra kept in Beijing. He has travelled extensively in the West and Japan, and has been engaged in joint research projects on Sanskrit texts.
Toru Tomabechi

Toru Tomabechi was born in 1965 in Japan, and obtained an M.A. degree from Kyoto University. He is currently Assistant at the Section of Oriental Languages of the University of Lausanne, Switzerland. His field of interest is Indo-Tibetan Buddhism, especially in its Tantric forms, a field, in which he has to his credit several articles, as well as a critical edition of the Pañcakrama published in 1994 in collaboration with Prof. K. Mimaki of Kyoto University.
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