Teachers and Trainers in Adult and Lifelong Learning: Asian and European Perspectives

Authors: Regina Egetenmeyer, Ekkehard Nuissl (editors)
ISBN: 9783631612989
Binding: Hardcover
Year: 2010
Pages: 223
Size: 15 x 21 cm Weight: 384 grams Price: INR 2290.00

Teachers and Trainers in Adult and Lifelong Learning: Asian and European Perspectives

Front Cover

Back Cover
Teachers and Trainers in Adult and Lifelong Learning: Asian and European Perspectives
About the Book
What competences are needed in future by people working within adult and lifelong learning? What pathways of professionalisation are available to them in Europe and Asia? What are the actual effects of teacher training? What are the specific responsibilities of adult and continuing education teachers and trainers? The book focuses on teachers and trainers in lifelong learning and their professional development. Therefore it gives an insight into the state of the art of professional development in Southeast Asia, Europe, China and India. Furthermore, professionalisation in adult and lifelong learning is explored under the headings of the effects of teacher training, role-professionals, competences profiles and the question of responsibility. It also gives an insight into initiatives to professionalise the people working in adult and lifelong learning.
About the Authors
Regina Egetenmeyer

Regina Egetenmeyer is Professor for Lifelong Learning at the University of Mainz (Juniorprofessor). Her emphases of research are international and comparative adult educational research, informal learning in the workplace, and academic professionalisation in adult and lifelong learning.
Ekkehard Nuissl

Ekkehard Nuissl is Scientific Director of the German Institute for Adult Education – Leibniz Centre for Lifelong Learning (DIE) and University Professor for adult education at the University of Duisburg-Essen. His emphases of research are teaching and learning, international educational policy, evaluation research and institutional research.
Editorial Reviews

“Bauman enters deeply into the thinking of Hindu nationalists to show that their acts of violence against Christians are motivated not by disputes over doctrine but by an even more basic clash over the role of religion.”
Foreign Affairs
Anti-Christian Violence in India runs the gamut of the Christian/anti-Christian experience in India. Well-written and thoughtful, it stands out when describing and analyzing Hindu-Christian relations.”
—Neil DeVotta, Wake Forest University, editor of Understanding Contemporary India
“I am simply blown away by this book. Bauman's voice is judicious and magisterial. He is a careful analyst and thorough investigator. This generates an extraordinarily instructive and illuminating book that manages to be simultaneously balanced and hard-hitting.”
—Timothy Samuel Shah, Vice-President for Strategy & International Research of the Religious Freedom Institute and co-author, God's Century.
“This is a book that was waiting to be written and there may be no one better qualified to write it than Chad Bauman. One hopes that this would encourage more attention to this oft ignored facet of contemporary India which is currently being torn apart on issues of identity and belongingness.”
—Rev. Vijayesh Lal, General Secretary, Evangelical Fellowship of India
“This book fabulously documents majoritarian chauvinism, fears of minorities, and the messy ethno-religious politics and communal relations in India. Bauman skillfully combines theoretical insights with in-depth empirical narratives on everyday inter-religious fissures and produces a masterwork on Hindu-Christian relations and cultural politics in India during the postcolonial period.”
—Sarbeswar Sahoo, Indian Institute of Technology Delhi, author of Pentecostalism and Politics of Conversion in India
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