Labour and Sustainable Development: North-South Perspectives

Author: Francesco Garibaldo, Dinghong Yi (editors)
ISBN: 9783631617311
Binding: Hardcover
Year: 2012
Pages: 502
Size: 15 x 22 cm Weight: 755 grams Price: INR 2390.00

Labour and Sustainable Development: North-South Perspectives

Front Cover

Back Cover
Labour and Sustainable Development: North-South Perspectives
About the Book
This book takes up a critical and realistic perspective on what is happening in China, India and other Asian countries in comparison with Western countries. It avoids hiding problems and difficulties, but communicates a positive message on the possibility to proceed in achieving a better situation. In this perspective the analysis of the public policies is a key point. These policies, in the Eastern as well as in the Western countries show objective difficulties and social contradictions but also that improvement is possible. The initial chapter is completely devoted to a study of China from within. The other topics analysed in the book are related to the social and natural environment’s sustainability: innovation, research and education on the one side and the life of workers on the other; also including the «invisible» people of the informal employment and the economic migrants, especially in Asia.
About the Author
William Cully Allen

William Cully Allen studied Sanskrit at Harvard University, The University of Pennsylvania, and Banaras Hindu University before earning his PhD in South Asian religion at Temple University. Allen has taught for twenty-five years at Temple University, Austin College, Bucknell University, Muhlenberg College, and the University of the Arts.
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