Developing Intra-regional Exchanges through the Abolition of Commercial and Tariff Barriers / L’abolition des barrieres commerciales et tarifaires dans la region de l’Ocean indien: Myth or Reality? / Mythe ou realite?

Author: Stephanie Rohlfing-Dijoux (editors)
ISBN: 9782807601260
Binding: Paperback
Year: 2017
Pages: 444
Size: 15 x 22 cm Weight: 605 grams Price: INR 1580.00

Developing Intra-regional Exchanges through the Abolition of Commercial and Tariff Barriers / L’abolition des barrieres commerciales et tarifaires dans la region de l’Ocean indien: Myth or Reality? / Mythe ou realite?

Front Cover

Back Cover
Developing Intra-regional Exchanges through the Abolition of Commercial and Tariff Barriers / L’abolition des barrieres commerciales et tarifaires dans la region de l’Ocean indien: Myth or Reality? / Mythe ou realite?
About the Book
This book is related to the development of intraregional commercial exchanges in the region of the Indian Ocean. This issue is addressed from an economic as well as from a legal point of view. The contributions, in English and French, aim to present an overview of the economic, customs-related, technical, legal and cultural restraints that hinder the creation of a free trading area.
Cet ouvrage est consacre au developpement des echanges commerciaux intraregionaux dans la region de l’Ocean Indien. Cette question est examinee sous un angle politique, economique et juridique. Les differentes contributions, en anglais et en francais, visent a etablir un etat des lieux des freins economiques, douaniers, techniques, juridiques et culturels a la creation d’un espace de libre echange.
About the Author
Stephanie Rohlfing-Dijoux

Stephanie Rohlfing-Dijoux, Doctor of German law at the University of Frankfurt-am-Main and of private law at the University Paris I Sorbonne, is a professor at the University Paris Ouest Nanterre La Defense. In addition, she is in charge of the German-French doctorate college between the Universities of Paris Ouest Nanterre and Potsdam. She regularly teaches at the University of Mauritius as a guest professor.
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